
Yesterday I put on my big girl britches and went to a “Ladies of The Loft” bible study. There are a few things that really creep me out:

1. People crunching ice

2. Being around a whole bunch of females

3. When being around a whole bunch of females, being referred to as “Ladies”


So needless to say, it was quite a challenge just to walk in the door. Yesterday was just an information session. We received our books, and heard an overview of the 6 weeks.

I can do this. Only 6 more times to go!

The title of the book we are using is Brave: Honest Questions Women Ask. So perfect for me. Why am I such a chicken? Why do I hate hanging out with girls?

When they were all happy and greeting each other yesterday, I was petrified that one of them would know me. The thought of one of them screaming, and running towards me made me want to go hide in the bathroom. Why? I just don’t know. I know this is what God wants me to do. He’s shining a light on a part of me that is getting in the way.

Thank you God.

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