Sunday Sunday Sunday…

Today has been a really slow moving day. The twins visited a church with their friend AJ. I watched our church service online in my PJ’s, and that’s pretty much all I have done today. My brain felt like scrambled eggs all day because I’m so used to running around town all day every weekend. I really need to learn how to just chill out.

I also want to note that right now I’m reading John Woolman’s Journal and I’m listening to The Aplogy of Socrates on audiobook. My goal for this year is to finish the books I’m reading before I start other ones. While it seems that I have already broken this rule, I think I should add the caveat that I can only READ one book at a time and LISTEN to one audiobook at a time. 🙂

Like I said before, my brain is out of whack more than usual today so I’ll probably have to come home and edit this post. The kids just made it home so we are headed out to their Reach celebration. More on that later. 🙂

Happy Noniversary to My Sweet Davy Gravy

David and I don’t have an anniversary. I’m sure we do, we just haven’t a clue when it is. I am fairly sure that it happened sometime in 2003, but there was never a day that I can recall being “the day.” So it’s been pretty much 9 years. Part of that is because we spent a really long time totally smitten over each other before we ever even held hands. Anywho… periodically we declare that it is time for us to celebrate our noniversary. It was declared earlier this week that today we will have a noniversary date. The plan is to drive way out to the east side to eat at Iguana Joe’s. (They just don’t know how to do Tex-mex here in The Woodlands.) After we eat we are heading over to my grandma’s house to clean her guns for her. I know that probably sounds really hilarious to some people. Those people must not be from Texas. 🙂 hehe

Seriously though, I love surprising my grandma so it will be so much fun because she will be very happy. The guns haven’t been cleaned since my papaw died in 1985. Several a/c units have been stolen from houses on her block, and I’m afraid that if someone tried to steal hers she might try to shoot them with an old, unmaintained gun. That could be really bad.

As far as our romantical noniversary date goes, I don’t think there could be a better place to go to think about lasting love than my grandma’s. While my papaw died almost 30 years ago, he is still an ever-present part of that house. Her devotion to, and admiration of him has never ceased. She still keeps all of his tools lined up out in his tool room just the way he had them. Except that his clothes aren’t hanging in the closet anymore, (I’m sure she still has some things he wore in there somewhere) I could totally see him walking through the doorway. and sitting down on the rocking chair eating a blue bell popsicle.

Sometimes I think it is sad that he left her so early, but I never dwell in those thoughts. I know my grandma well enough to know that she doesn’t go there. I think she knows they will be together again, and that is just fine with her. She can wait. That’s real love.

Today I was inspired by a guy who blogged about his experiences during Lent. Although mine was no where near the magnitude of his, I have just finished a little journey of my own. I regret not recording all of the amazing progress I saw in my life over the past few months. I’ve started this blog today so I can look back and remember as I (hopefully) continue this evolution.